Local Business Directories
List in one of 100+ Categories with correct & personalised contact information for a very low Annual Fee
Local Restaurants, Pubs & Clubs
A Very Visual Listing show casing some of your Menu items to attract Hungry Locals
Local Accommodation
A Very Visual Listing specific to your Accommodation type with no booking fees and Location to your door!
App Features & Benefits
Local Events
Local Fun
List your Business to Attract Locals with your Fun offerings and Location directly to your door!
Monthly Specials
List and show case your Monthly Specials to attract more Local sales.
List Your Events to inform Locals and increase the turnout!
Local Competitions
Property Listings
Push Notifications
Offer the Locals a Prize, we'll Run the competition for you and you'll get great exposure!
List your Properties with Pricing,Location and Show house times!
Local Charity
We Donate R50 per Listing to one of our Listed Local Charities
Public Transportation
Links to the main Safest Public Transport in your Area.
Local Weather
View the Local Weather
Local Emergency Contacts
A list of all of the relevant Emergency Contacts for you Local Area
More to come....
Local Radio Stations
Listen to your Local Radio Station even when you're out of Range